
California Volunteers Office of the Governor’s Neighbor-to-Neighbor campaign is a call to action for neighbors to connect with one another through community service and volunteerism to build more resilient communities, combat social isolation, inspire climate action and disaster response.

Role: Senior Content Producer/Designer | Wondros

Awards: Shorty Impact Awards | Gold Honor in Government & Politics

Campaign Results

  • Overall, our campaign served 345M impressions and drove 540K site visits and 5.4K sign-ups, marking a significant milestone for a more connected and prepared California. 

  • In addition, the campaign garnered 863K total ad clicks, while our click-through rates soared above industry averages.

  • Our strategy significantly expanded our network of dedicated volunteers. Leveraging memorable ads, access to popular platforms, and influential voices, our campaign boosted brand recognition by 37% and effectively reached diverse audiences. 

  • Within the campaign's first month, we successfully increased awareness of Neighbor-to-Neighbor for total respondents (+15%) and across several age groups, most notably among Californians ages 35-54 years, who saw a strong significant lift (+37%).

  • A post-campaign survey showed that general respondents saw an impressive lift in their knowledge of ways to get involved in their community (+7%). In comparison, among volunteers, this lift was even higher (+11%).